Teclas de atalhos no MacOS X (teclado do Mac)

Com uma quantidade absurdamente grande de pessoas caindo nas graças da Apple e comprando MacBooks e iMac’s (e outros gadgets), além de eu mesmo precisar, alguns amigos me perguntam sobre teclas de atalhos no MacOS X, então fiz encontrei na melhor fonte (Apple.com) e estou apenas reproduzindo aqui, caso alguém (eu) precise! 😛

Alguns símbolos de teclas que vc verá nos menus do MacOS X: 
Command key icon (Command) – A antiga tecla “Maçã ou Apple key”, pois antes ao invés deste símbolo, tinha uma maçã (apple logo)
Control key icon (Control)
Option or Alt key icon (Option) – “Alt”
Shift icon (Shift)
Caps lock icon (Caps Lock) – Ativa ou desativa Caps Lock
fn (Function key)

Inicialização do MacOS X (Startup)

Tecla ou combinação de teclasO que isso faz?
OptionDisplay all bootable volumes (Startup Manager)
ShiftPerform Safe Boot (start up in Safe Mode)
CStart from a bootable disc (DVD, CD)
TStart in FireWire target disk mode
NStart from NetBoot server
XForce Mac OS X startup (if non-Mac OS X startup volumes are present)
Command-VStart in Verbose Mode
Command-SStart in Single User Mode


Atalhos para o Finder

Combinação de TeclasO que isso faz?
Command-ASelect all items in the front Finder window (or desktop if no window is open)
Option-Command-ADeselect all items
Shift-Command-AOpen the Applications folder
Command-CCopy selected item/text to the Clipboard
Shift-Command-COpen the Computer window
Command-DDuplicate selected item
Shift-Command-DOpen desktop folder
Command-FFind any matching Spotlight attribute
Shift-Command-FFind Spotlight file name matches
Option-Command-FNavigate to the search field in an already-open Spotlight window
Shift-Command-GGo to Folder
Shift-Command-HOpen the Home folder of the currently logged-in user account
Command-IGet Info
Option-Command-IShow Inspector
Control-Command-IGet Summary Info
Shift-Command-IOpen iDisk
Command-JShow View Options
Command-KConnect to Server
Shift-Command-KOpen Network window
Command-LMake alias of the selected item
Command-MMinimize window
Option-Command-MMinimize all windows
Command-NNew Finder window
Shift-Command-NNew folder
Option-Command-NNew Smart Folder
Command-OOpen selected item
Shift-Command-QLog Out
Option-Shift-Command-QLog Out immediately
Command-RShow original (of alias)
Command-TAdd to Sidebar
Shift-Command-TAdd to Favorites
Option-Command-THide Toolbar / Show Toolbar in Finder windows
Shift-Command-UOpen Utilities folder
Command-WClose window
Option-Command-WClose all windows
Option-Command-YSlideshow (Mac OS X 10.5 or later)
Command-ZUndo / Redo
Command-1View as Icon
Command-2View as List
Command-3View as Columns
Command-4View as Cover Flow (Mac OS X 10.5 or later)
Command-, (Command and the comma key)Open Finder preferences
Command-` (the Grave accent key–above Tab key on a US English keyboard layout)Cycle through open Finder windows
Command-Shift-?Open Mac Help
Option-Shift-Command-Esc (hold for three seconds) – Mac OS X v10.5, v10.6 or later onlyForce Quit front-most application
Command-Up ArrowOpen enclosed folder
Control-Command-Up ArrowOpen enclosed folder in a new window
Command-Down ArrowOpen highlighted item
Command-TabSwitch application–cycle forward
Shift-Command-TabSwitch application–cycle backward
Command-DeleteMove to Trash
Shift-Command-DeleteEmpty Trash
Option-Shift-Command-DeleteEmpty Trash without confirmation dialog
Spacebar (or Command-Y)Quick Look (Mac OS X 10.5 or later)
Command key while draggingMove dragged item to other volume/location (pointer icon changes while key is held–see this article)
Option key while draggingCopy dragged item (pointer icon changes while key is held–see this article)
Option-Command key combination while draggingMake alias of dragged item (pointer icon changes while key is held–see this article)

Atalhos de Aplicativos e outros comandos do MacOS X

Obs: Não são todos os aplicativos que terão suporte para as combinações de teclas abaixo.
(*) Obs.: Se nenhum texto estiver selecionado, iniciará a partir da posição do cursor.

Combinação de TeclasO que isso faz?
Command-SpaceShow or hide the Spotlight search field (if multiple languages are installed, may rotate through enabled script systems)
Option-Command-SpaceShow the Spotlight search results window (if multiple languages are installed, may rotate through keyboard layouts and input methods within a script)
Command-TabMove forward to the next most recently used application in a list of open applications
Shift-Command-TabMove backward through a list of open applications (sorted by recent use)
Shift-TabNavigate through controls in a reverse direction
Control-TabMove focus to the next grouping of controls in a dialog or the next table (when Tab moves to the next cell)
Shift-Control-TabMove focus to the previous grouping of controls
Command-escOpen Front Row (if installed)
Option-EjectEject from secondary optical media drive (if one is installed)
Control-EjectShow shutdown dialog
Option-Command-EjectPut the computer to sleep
Control-Command-EjectQuit all applications (after giving you a chance to save changes to open documents), then restart the computer
Control Option-Command-EjectQuit all applications (after giving you a chance to save changes to open documents), then shut down the computer
fn-DeleteForward Delete (on portable Macs’ built-in keyboard)
Control-F1Toggle full keyboard access on or off
Control-F2Move focus to the menu bar
Control-F3Move focus to the Dock
Control-F4Move focus to the active (or next) window
Shift-Control-F4Move focus to the previously active window
Control-F5Move focus to the toolbar.
Control-F6Move focus to the first (or next) panel
Shift-Control-F6Move focus to the previous panel
Control-F7Temporarily override the current keyboard access mode in windows and dialogs
F9Tile or untile all open windows
F10Tile or untile all open windows in the currently active application
F11Hide or show all open windows
F12Hide or display Dashboard
Command-`Activate the next open window in the frontmost application
Shift-Command-`Activate the previous open window in the frontmost application
Option-Command-`Move focus to the window drawer
Command- – (minus)Decrease the size of the selected item
Command-{Left-align a selection
Command-}Right-align a selection
Command-|Center-align a selection
Command-:Display the Spelling window
Command-;Find misspelled words in the document
Command-,Open the front application’s preferences window (if it supports this keyboard shortcut)
Option-Control-Command-,Decrease screen contrast
Option-Control-Command-.Increase screen contrast
Command-?Open the application’s help in Help Viewer
Option-Command-/Turn font smoothing on or off
Shift-Command-=Increase the size of the selected item
Shift-Command-3Capture the screen to a file
Shift-Control-Command-3Capture the screen to the Clipboard
Shift-Command-4Capture a selection to a file
Shift-Control-Command-4Capture a selection to the Clipboard
Command-AHighlight every item in a document or window, or all characters in a text field
Command-BBoldface the selected text or toggle boldfaced text on and off
Command-CCopy the selected data to the Clipboard
Shift-Command-CDisplay the Colors window
Option-Command-CCopy the style of the selected text
Control-Command-CCopy the formatting settings of the selected item and store on the Clipboard
Option-Command-DShow or hide the Dock
Command-Control DDisplay the definition of the selected word in the Dictionary application
Command-EUse the selection for a find
Command-FOpen a Find window
Option-Command-FMove to the search field control
Command-GFind the next occurrence of the selection
Shift-Command-GFind the previous occurrence of the selection
Command-HHide the windows of the currently running application
Option-Command-HHide the windows of all other running applications
Command-IItalicize the selected text or toggle italic text on or off
Option-Command-IDisplay an inspector window
Command-JScroll to a selection
Command-MMinimize the active window to the Dock
Option-Command-MMinimize all windows of the active application to the Dock
Command-NCreate a new document in the frontmost application
Command-ODisplay a dialog for choosing a document to open in the frontmost application
Command-PDisplay the Print dialog
Shift-Command-PDisplay a dialog for specifying printing parameters (Page Setup)
Command-QQuit the frontmost application
Command-SSave the active document
Shift-Command-SDisplay the Save As dialog
Command-TDisplay the Fonts window
Option-Command-TShow or hide a toolbar
Command-UUnderline the selected text or turn underlining on or off
Command-VPaste the Clipboard contents at the insertion point
Option-Command-VApply the style of one object to the selected object (Paste Style)
Option-Shift-Command-VApply the style of the surrounding text to the inserted object (Paste and Match Style)
Control-Command-VApply formatting settings to the selected object (Paste Ruler Command)
Command-WClose the frontmost window
Shift-Command-WClose a file and its associated windows
Option-Command-WClose all windows in the application without quitting it
Command-XRemove the selection and store in the Clipboard
Command-ZUndo previous command (some applications allow for multiple Undos)
Shift-Command-ZRedo previous command (some applications allow for multiple Redos)
Control-Right ArrowMove focus to another value or cell within a view, such as a table
Control-Left ArrowMove focus to another value or cell within a view, such as a table
Control-Down ArrowMove focus to another value or cell within a view, such as a table
Control-Up ArrowMove focus to another value or cell within a view, such as a table
Command-Right ArrowMove the text insertion point to the end of the current line
Command-Left ArrowMove the text insertion point to the beginning of the current line
Command-Down ArrowMove the text insertion point to the end of the document
Command-Up ArrowMove the text insertion point to the beginning of the document
Shift-Command-Right ArrowSelect text between the insertion point and the end of the current line (*)
Shift-Command-Left ArrowSelect text between the insertion point and the beginning of the current line (*)
Shift-Right ArrowExtend text selection one character to the right (*)
Shift-Left ArrowExtend text selection one character to the left (*)
Shift-Command-Up ArrowSelect text between the insertion point and the beginning of the document (*)
Shift-Command-Down ArrowSelect text between the insertion point and the end of the document (*)
Shift-Up ArrowExtend text selection to the line above, to the nearest character boundary at the same horizontal location (*)
Shift-Down ArrowExtend text selection to the line below, to the nearest character boundary at the same horizontal location (*)
Shift-Option-Right ArrowExtend text selection to the end of the current word, then to the end of the following word if pressed again (*)
Shift-Option-Left ArrowExtend text selection to the beginning of the current word, then to the beginning of the following word if pressed again (*)
Shift-Option-Down ArrowExtend text selection to the end of the current paragraph, then to the end of the following paragraph if pressed again (*)
Shift-Option-Up ArrowExtend text selection to the beginning of the current paragraph, then to the beginning of the following paragraph if pressed again (*)
Control-SpaceToggle between the current and previous input sources
Option-Control-SpaceToggle through all enabled input sources
Option-Command-escForce Quit


Acesso universal – Comandos de teclado do VoiceOver

Para mais informações sobre diferenças de combinações de teclas do VoiceOver  no Mac OS X v10.6, vejaeste artigo.

Combinação de teclasO que isso faz?
Command-F5 ou fn Command-F5Turn VoiceOver on or off
Control Option-F8 ou fn Control Option-F8Open VoiceOver Utility
Control Option-F7 ou fn Control Option-F7Display VoiceOver menu
Control Option-; ou fn Control Option-;Enable/disable VoiceOver Control Option-lock
Option-Command-8 ou fn Command-F11Turn on Zoom
Option-Command-+Zoom In
Option-Command- – (minus)Zoom Out
Option-Control-Command-8Invert/revert the screen colors
Control Option-Command-,Reduce contrast
Control Option-Command-.Increase contrast

Obs.: Você precisa habilitar “use todas as teclas F1, F2, etc. como teclas de função padrão” em “Preferências > Teclado” para o VoiceOver funcionar. 

Acesso Universal – Mouse

Quando as teclas do mouse forem ativadas em “Preferências > Acesso Universal”, você poderá usar o teclado ou o teclado numérico, caso tenha, para mover o ponteiro do mouse. Caso você não tenha teclado numérico, poderá utilizar as teclas de função (Fn).

Combinação de TeclasO que isso faz?
8Move Up
2Move Down
4Move Left
6Move Right
1Move Diagonally Bottom Left
3Move Diagonally Bottom Right
7Move Diagonally Top Left
9Move Diagonally Top Right
5Press Mouse Button
0Hold Mouse Button
. (period on number pad)Release Hold Mouse Button

Espero que ajude! 🙂